Deadline to register to vote in November election is today
Monday, October 5th is the deadline to register to vote in the November 3rd General Election.
If you have not registered to vote, you can do so by visiting your county Circuit Clerk’s office by close of business today.
YP – Governor Reeves talks Trump, Legislature, masks and more with YP
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves joined Y’all Politics for an interview Friday morning, hours after it was revealed that President Donald Trump and the First Lady had tested positive for COVID-19.
Reeves was with the President earlier this week for an announcement at the White House to discuss increased rapid testing for the virus.
In the interview, the Governor discussed his recent actions that allowed the statewide mask mandate to expire while leaving certain other provisions in place, such as reduced attendance at K-12 extracurricular events like football and maintaining the need for masks in schools and close contact businesses.
MSDH daily COVID-19 report
Today MSDH is reporting 321 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 2 deaths, and 122 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 100,488, with 3,013 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/QP8mlJ41AN pic.twitter.com/qTP1eOeCto
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) October 4, 2020
YP – The 2020 “never-ending” Mississippi Legislative session finally comes to a close
The Mississippi Legislature returned to the Capitol for what was expected to be the final two days of the 2020 Legislative session. While they did adjourn, sine die for October 10, there was an attempt to add one more days amidst the work to reappropriate CARES Act dollars.
Lawmakers previously passed HCR 69, which allowed them to add six additional work-days after the calendar was completed to return to Jackson as long as they were working on issues related to COVID-19. Under that resolution they would then sine die on October 10, 2020.
YP – SOS Watson discusses safety preparations for 2020 general election
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Secretary of State Michael Watson discussed preparations being made to ensure that voters can go to the polls safely for the November 3, general election.
WTOK – ‘Let MS Vote’ voices concerns over vote for state flag measure
About 100 people spent their Saturday afternoon at Lum Cumbest Park, eager to enjoy the day, eat some hamburgers and voice their concerns over the upcoming vote for a new Mississippi state flag.
“It’s about the vote of the people and it’s about the voice of the people,” said Let MS Vote organizer Dan Karr.
The Moss Point crowd is just a small percentage of the group’s more than 7,000 volunteers and 82 county groups…
…“Whether it’s a flag, taxation or any number of other issues, the people have to have the ultimate say on these issues, not lobbyist, not backroom deals,” said State Sen. Chris McDaniel.
WJTV – Hyde-Smith on debate with Espy: “I wouldn’t mind doing it at all, if the schedule allows that.”
WTVA – Analysis: Mississippi voting on Jim Crow-era election steps
Mississippi voters will decide this year whether to simplify the process for electing a governor and other statewide officials by eliminating a step that’s a bit like the electoral college in the presidential race.
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves argues the proposed change is only designed to help Democrats. But voting-rights advocates say Mississippi needs to erase a procedure that’s rooted in the state’s racist history of trying to undermine Black voting rights.
The Mississippi Constitution currently requires a statewide candidate to win a majority of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral vote. One electoral vote goes to the candidate receiving the most support in each of the 122 state House districts.
If nobody wins both the popular vote and the electoral vote, the race is decided by the state House.
MBJ – BILL CRAWFORD: Any fool knows there’s no way to win
(A little research would have told him that MAGnet is a consortium of five Federally Qualified Health Centers in Mississippi that came together in 2011 to pursue grants to reduce health disparities in underserved communities. The $6 million was designated “to address the disproportionate impact on the minority community of coronavirus infections and deaths from COVID-19,” clearly within the scope of CARES Act guidelines.)
Reeves argues the two items he vetoed are distinct and separable. Gunn and White argue they are congruent parts of the whole appropriation. (See legal briefs at https://yall.rndr.tech/2020/09/24/briefs-filed-by-governor-and-speaker-outline-legal-arguments-over-line-item-vetoes/)
The courts will likely take little notice of the intended uses of items vetoed. The medical center appropriation does look questionable under CARES Act guidelines while the health centers appropriation looks both worthy and needed.