President Donald J. Trump visited Mississippi on Friday night in support of Republican candidate for governor, Tate Reeves. The President spoke to a capacity crowd in Tupelo at the Bancorpsouth Arena just days before the November 5 General Election for the state.
Prior to the President’s arrival, attendees heard from local Representatives as well as Congressman Trent Kelly, Senator Roger Wicker and Governor Phil Bryant.
“Four days from now this state will head to the polls and vote to continue our extraordinary progress with your next governor, Republican Tate Reeves. Great guy, great guy,” said Trump.
He went on to add that under Republican leadership jobs are booming, confidence is soaring, wages are rising, crime is falling and our nation is stronger than ever before. The President called the nation an economic powerhouse, and one who has rebuilt their military.
“The Stock market hit today, another all-time historic high,” said Trump. “Unemployment in Mississippi has reached the lowest rate than ever recorded, that’s not bad, that’s not bad.”
He went on to talk about his time in the White House and what the administration has accomplished as the crowd chanted “four more years, four more years.”
During his Presidency, Trump has confirmed more than 158 brand new federal judges.
Most recently, through a military action, the death of Abu Bakr al-Bahgdadi who lead the terrorist group ISIS was confirmed.
“While we are creating jobs and killing terrorists, the democrat party has gone completely insane. The radical left is determined to transform America into a country you would not recognize. We are the ones standing in their way and we will never get out of their way,” said Trump.
His comments are similar to that taken by candidates in the Mississippi elections this year.
The rhetoric in the race between Hood and Reeves has fallen to party principals. Hood, pushing a message of change in direction for the state’s polices and Reeves holding fast to the improvements in education, infrastructure and healthcare he catalogs as part of conservative leaders holding true to conservative values.
The 2019 election season has been a heated one with state’s current governor, Phil Bryant, reaching the tenure of his terms in the state house. Two major players rose to the occasion in Republican Lt. Governor Tate Reeves and Democrat Attorney General Jim Hood. With this election being only one of three gubernatorial races in the nation, it was no surprise when national politicians began showing support for one candidate or the other.
“I can’t believe this is a competitive race, it’s like embarrassing, I’m talking to Mississippi. I don’t think he’s (Jim Hood) the right guy, you want Tate Reeves,” said Trump. At this time Reeves took the state with the President.
“Thank you Mr. President, Mississippi welcomes you, because Mississippi is Donald J. Trump Country,” said Reeves. He went on to talk about Mississippi’s continued support of his presidency because he believes he is a strong leader and is capable of defeating the radical liberals that have taken over the Democratic Party.
“Let’s stand up to keep America great, let’s stand up to elect a conservative that will be an ally to President Donald Trump. I need your prayers, I need your support, and most importantly on Tuesday I need your vote,” said Reeves.
Trump reiterated Reeves’ words and then welcome Governor Bryant and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith who showed their support of the Republican nominee as well. The President spoke the names of all Republican candidates running for statewide office and urged the public to get out and vote for them.
Hood, a lifelong Democrat paints himself as a moderate who wants to see an expansion of Medicaid and a fully funded MAEP (Mississippi Adequate Education Program). He said his plan to increase teacher pay, fund education and fix roads and bridges (past what was done in the 2018 Special Session) would not increase taxes, but has not said whether or not he opposes an increase in taxes like gasoline.
Throughout the campaign Reeves has promoted his record in office over the last eight years as qualifications for election to Governor. Since taking office as Lt. Governor, teachers have seen an $8,000 pay increase, a plan to address roads and bridges was passed by an implementation of the state lottery and graduation rates have improved bringing them to the national average.
Reeves is adamantly against any sort of tax increase, including a gas tax. He said it is a fundamental value of the Republican party that the government has nothing that wasn’t first taken by someone else. He is also opposed to any type of expansion of Obamacare, something he says will be an inadvertent tax by hospitals on the public.
President Trump previously visited the Magnolia state in support of candidate Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith who was running in 2018 for election to the seat she was appointed by Governor Phil Bryant after the retirement of longtime senator Thad Cochran.
President Trump seemingly has special interest in the next governor of Mississippi with his run for re-election for President coming up next year. It cannot be overlooked that he has had a close relationship with Bryant which has, no doubt, impacted the state on a national level.
In conclusion to the event, the President closed with this:
“We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under God,” said Trump. “America is thriving like never before and ladies and gentlemen of Mississippi, the best is yet to come. Because together we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again and we will make America great again. Thank you Mississippi, thank you!”