Today in Brandon, Congressman Michael Guest endorsed current Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann for Lieutenant Governor.
Guest said that Hosemann was arguably the best Secretary of State that Mississippi has ever seen.
“Delbert Hosemann’s record is what sets him apart in this race. While serving as Secretary of State, Secretary Hoesmann set goals for the office that was clear and transparent and then worked diligently to meet those goals in order to improve the quality of our great state. He will take this same mentality of hard-work and dedication to the office of Lieutenant Governor,” Guest said. “We need a conservative leader who can effectively address some of the most important issues facing our State, such as the economy, public education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Delbert Hosemann is the right person for this job, and I urge Mississippians to vote for him in November.”
“He has implemented Voter ID a challenge that many people said we could not get through a Democratically controlled Justice Department,” said Guest. “Before he leaves office he will have collected over $1 billion for school children through our 16th Section Lease Program.”
Guest called Hosemann a man of honor and integrity as well as conservative values. Guest believes that he is the man the state needs in this position to work closely with the governor, legislature and the President.
“..Someone who will work to lower taxes, decrease regulation, and see that Mississippi continues our economic growth,” said Guest. “Delbert has been a great public servant for the people of Mississippi for the last 12 years and I want to see him continue that career in public service as Lt. Governor.”
Hosemann thanked Guest for the endorsement.
“As a District Attorney, Michael Guest was well known for his thorough work and commitment to justice. In Washington, he has hit the ground running, introducing legislation to make our country safer and tackling issues which are so important to our State, like how to shore up our rural healthcare systems,” Hosemann said. “I’m looking forward to continuing to partner with Congressman Guest.”
Hosemann is a Republican running against Democrat Jay Hughes for the position as Lt. Governor.