Today on Facebook, 3rd place finisher in the GOP gubernatorial primary, Robert Foster, committed to supporting the Republican nominee, Tate Reeves.
Saying that he could never support the Democrat nominee, Jim Hood, Foster doubled down on his own conservative bona fides.
After placing third with 66,000 votes in the statewide primary, he enthusiastically threw his support to Judge Bill Waller. Reeves still beat Waller 54/46 in Tuesday’s runoff election. In Foster’s home county of Desoto where Foster garnered 10,536 of the 21,757 votes cast in the August 6 primary, Reeves won the runoff with 53.82% of the vote (up from 39.44% in the primary). Waller, with Foster’s support, finished with 46.18% of the vote up from 12.13% in the primary.
To date, Waller has not signaled his endorsement of Reeves. However, most Republican insiders see a Waller endorsement of Reeves as just a matter of time given Waller’s speech on the eve of the runoff touting the importance of a Republican governor.