Lt. Governor Tate Reeves was joined by several lawmakers, local and statewide, at the GOP headquarters today in Jackson. Those in attendance included current Governor Phil Bryant, former Governor Haley Barbour, AG Commissioner Andy Gipson, Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, Representative Mark Baker, Representative Joel Bomgar, Senator Josh Harkins, and many others.
The group gathered to show their support of Reeves for governor, including an official endorsement by Baker, something he has not done yet in this election cycle.
“Let’s get something plain about this election. This election in the Republican Primary, two good people. This is not about who is a good person, who is a bad person. Bill Waller is a nice guy. I worked with him as governor, he was a great Chief Justice, I think he’s a good person,” said Barbour. “This election is about policy, this is about issues. This is about the matters that effect government in Mississippi which effect all the people in Mississippi.”
Barbour was followed by Representative Mark Baker of Rankin County, who officially endorsed Reeves in the race.
“Since coming to Jackson 16 years ago I have witnessed Lt. Governor Reeves lead with confidence. I have witnessed firsthand his steadfast dedication to the strong conservative values we Mississippians share,” said Baker.
He said Reeves is the ‘clear conservative candidate’ for governor. He said Reeves is able to beat Hood in November, with unapologetic conservative values. Baker echoed what the other speakers of the day said, that Reeves will continue moving the state in the right direction.
Governor Bryant, who has been behind Reeves since the beginning said Reeves is the only conservative in the race.
“I am not for raising anybody’s taxes….Tate and I are from a working class background,” said Bryant. “When you’ve got to drive 40 miles to and from a job, raising your gasoline tax makes a difference.”
He said that other candidates can call the expansion of Medicaid whatever they want to, but still believes it is an extension of Obamacare. This is something he says the true conservative candidate would not agree with.
Reeves repeated that he does not think his opponent is a bad person, but that this election wasn’t about that.
“If you believe that more Obamacare is the solution than maybe you should find one of the other two candidates. If you believe that raising taxes on hard working Mississippi families is the solution than maybe you should look at one of the other two candidates. But if you are a conservative in Mississippi today, I’m your guy,” said Reeves.
He said those that joined him today believe that Mississippi is headed in the right direction and want it to keep going that way.