WTOK – Baker throws support to Taggart for runoff
The third-place finisher in the Republican primary for Mississippi attorney general is endorsing a candidate still in the race.
State Rep. Mark Baker said in a statement Monday he’s supporting Andy Taggart, who faces Lynn Fitch in the Aug. 27 runoff.
Fitch is an attorney who is in her second term as state treasurer.
BREAKING – Mark Baker endorses Andy Taggart for Attorney General pic.twitter.com/TovFKU2Nrf
— Andy_for_AG (@Andy_for_AG) August 12, 2019
Reeves commits to 13th Check
I have always supported the 13th check, and as Governor I will make sure every PERS recipient—including Elee’s mom—gets their 13th check. They’ve earned it.
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 12, 2019
WJTV – Bill Waller Jr., Tate Reeves to debate on WJTV
Petal Mayor Marx backs Reeves for Governor
I am honored to have earned the endorsement of @MayorHalMarx. Conservatives across our great state know that there is only one true conservative running for Governor who will stop the liberal agenda of higher taxes and Obamacare expansion. There is another who agrees with it. pic.twitter.com/0aedpiIaQn
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 12, 2019
HATTIESBURG AMERICAN – Robert Foster to make endorsement in Reeves-Waller governor primary runoff
First-term state lawmaker Robert Foster had a major impact on Tuesday’s Republican governor primary, finishing in third place with a double-digit vote percentage against better-known, well-funded candidates.
He’ll continue to have an impact.
On Tuesday he’ll announce his endorsement of either Tate Reeves or Bill Waller Jr. in their Aug. 27 runoff for the GOP primary.
He would not say which on Monday, but the Waller campaign on Monday announced three press conferences for Tuesday “to announce a major endorsement for his campaign” in Gulfport, Hattiesburg and Jackson.
Looking forward to making a formal announcement regarding my endorsement (or not) in the #msgov runoff tomorrow in Hernando, and where we go from here. Join us at 9 AM.
— Robert Foster (@RobertFoster4MS) August 12, 2019
YP – Exceed Mississippi PAC run off dark money by Jim Hood insiders targeting Tate Reeves
In recent weeks, Attorney General Jim Hood has been giving off the political vibe that he would almost rather see Reeves in a general election instead of Bill Waller. But new details have come to light that a PAC run by Hood’s three time campaign manager, Jonathan Compretta, has been steadily trying to undermine Reeves.
The group, Exceed Mississippi PAC, was formed just prior to the runoff. Its primary agent is Jonathan Compretta, who served as the campaign manager for Attorney General Jim Hood in 2007, 2011, and 2015. He works at the Mike Moore Law Firm, another longtime ally of Jim Hood which has made millions off of work associated with the AG Jim Hood’s office.
The veneer of the PAC is something along the lines of “policy not politics,” but it in fact is being run by one of the most partisan people on the Mississippi political landscape today and is being fueled by dark money. Maybe only coincidentally, the PAC shares an coworking space with Chism Strategies, a Democratic firm that is also doing work on behalf of Jim Hood in this election.
YP – Hood yet to endorse anyone – including Democrat Jennifer Riley-Collins
Y’all Politics reached out to @HoodForGovernor
regarding the support for @JenniferforAG and his campaign says they’ve yet to endorse anyone. #msleg #mselex https://t.co/JI2GbLyDlK pic.twitter.com/ifK6P1VcXW— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) August 12, 2019
WCBI – MS Legislature requires all school districts to conduct active shooter drill
House Bill 1283 requires students and staff to have an action plan. Mass shootings have become too common and hard to talk about, but having a solid plan could save your life.
It seems like every school year there are new codes, policies, and drills.
This year, Mississippi legislators enforced “Mississippi School Safety Act of 2019”, which requires all Mississippi schools to conduct an active shooter drill.
CLARION LEDGER – Audit finds ‘alarming business practices,’ credit spending at Hinds County School District
Mississippi Auditor Shad White reported his office discovered “alarming business practices” at the Hinds County School District — including a lack of spending oversight and an assistant superintendent who racked up nearly $50,000 in “improper expenditures.”
White’s office said Monday the findings resulted from a routine audit, one of several it is conducting on school districts. The fiscal year 2019 review found unapproved credit card spending, bank accounts that had not been reconciled in nearly a year and credit card spending records that “were destroyed before they were reviewed.”
“This uncontrolled and unlawful administrative spending is not acceptable,” White said in a statement. “It shortchanges teachers and students. It’s not fair for taxpayers. They all have a right to be angry about this kind of administrative spending. It results in money going outside the classroom and it violates our spending laws. I expect the district to take swift action to make sure this stops.”
Wicker calls attention to Hong Kong protestors
The world should monitor closely the growing brutality of China’s response to protesters in #HongKong. Attempts to label protesters as “terrorists” are nothing more than a smokescreen to mask the spread of state-sponsored violence. https://t.co/ySwmFoH0n2
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) August 12, 2019
WLOX – Some undocumented immigrants involved in Mississippi ICE raids allegedly stole American citizens’ identities
“They’re children of God in my view, so we have to make sure and do everything we can to help them. And if they break the law, we’re going to enforce them, but that doesn’t mean we hate them or we’re mad at them somehow,” Hurst said…
…“Folks have problems with our immigration laws,” he said. “But that’s for them to take up with congress. That’s not for taking up with law enforcement.”
In many cases, the undocumented immigrants involved in last week’s raids were allegedly working under the identities of real American citizens.
WJTV – Homeland Security Chairman reacts to raids in his home district, says focus needs to be on employers
Congressman Palazzo pleased to see LEGION Act signed by President
I am glad to see this important legislation become law and support our veterans.
As we commemorate the American Legion’s centennial this year, I appreciate the services and resources they’ve continued providing to our nation’s veterans. https://t.co/EcJx0DmIyq
— Cong. Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) August 12, 2019
WXXV – Legislative luncheon with Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith
Gov. Bryant declares Hurricane Camille 50th Anniversary Commemoration Week
I have declared this week Hurricane Camille 50th Anniversary Commemoration Week. This storm was the 2nd most intense hurricane to make landfall in the US. This week we remember those who were impacted by this storm. https://t.co/JHtiL4EpNQ
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) August 12, 2019
WTVA – Lafayette school district stops using corporal punishment
A Mississippi school district that voted over the summer to eliminate corporal punishment from its discipline policy has finally removed it.
The Oxford Eagle reports the punishment was erased from the Lafayette County School District’s policy during a board meeting last week.
Assistant Superintendent Patrick Robinson initially requested to consider the removal in June. Robinson told the school board then that administrators felt corporal punishment was ineffective and were concerned about possible legal issues. One such issue is that corporal punishment can’t be used on certain students with disabilities.