The Republican Governors Association (RGA) today released the following statement on the results of the Mississippi Democratic gubernatorial primary, and launched a television ad campaign targeting Democratic nominee Jim Hood’s record of support for his party’s liberal policies.
“Jim Hood likes to talk the talk of a moderate, but his record shows he’s walked the walk of a typical liberal Democrat for decades,” said RGA Executive Director Dave Rexrode. “From backing Hillary Clinton as she called hundreds of thousands of Mississippi voters who supported the President ‘deplorables,’ to joining with leaders of the radical resistance to obstruct the Trump administration, Jim Hood has made it clear where he really stands – and it’s not with Mississippi.”
Mississippi Strong, an organization supported by the RGA, is launching a television ad that will begin airing during Tuesday evening’s news broadcasts. Titled “Not Us,” the spot highlights Jim Hood’s support of former President Barack Obama’s policies, his allegiance to Hillary Clinton even after she insulted voters who supported President Donald Trump, and his efforts to obstruct the Trump administration by joining lawsuits with liberal Attorneys General from New York and California. Hood even donated, via his campaign, to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who proudly refers to himself as a leader of the “Trump Resistance.”
Watch the ad at MississippiStrong.org.