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YP Daily Roundup 7/29/19

YP Daily Roundup 7/29/19

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 29, 2019

NEWSMS – Neshoba County Fair Political Speaking Lineup

Mississippi’s Giant House Party is underway!

Click here to view the full Neshoba County Fair political speaking lineup.

CLARION LEDGER – Geoff Pender: Chivalry, roads, no spider monkeys or Trump tweets and a runoff: MSGOP governor primary end game

Geoff PenderThere does appear to be a runoff in the offing.

The little-known first-term state Rep. Foster has made enough noise of late to position himself as a spoiler. Observers are guesstimating he’ll pull double digits and prevent Reeves from winning outright in the first vote. I’d say that’s likely, something in the 46/39/15 range with Reeves/Waller/Foster…

…A runoff brings a whole new ballgame. Reeves is the defacto incumbent, with millions in his war chest, statewide name recognition after eight years as lite gov and Gov. Phil Bryant’s endorsement. A runoff would, by conventional wisdom, mark problems for Reeves and give Waller a better shot as the presumptive second runner in the first vote…

…President Trump has been a potential wild card, or sword of Damocles, in this race. Bryant, close pals with the president, has reportedly pushed for Trump to endorse Reeves in the primary. This late in the game, that’s not likely to happen. But you never know with Trump and his tweets. Reeves could still get such an endorsement. In a Mississippi GOP primary, a Trump endorsement would be lights out, game over.

MBJ – Bill Crawford: Reeves finally debates Republican opponents

All three would not change the state flag unless the people vote to do so in another referendum. All three aligned with Foster’s Billy Graham rule on interactions with women. All three thought workforce training was an important issue. All three opposed establishing a state minimum wage. All three will push for stronger Mississippi input on flood control related to the Bonnet Carre Spillway and its impact on the Gulf. All three opposed the state authorizing the sale of medical marijuana.

There were three areas of disagreement.

Foster and Waller both said they would consider reducing personal income taxes to offset limited gas tax increases to fund critical infrastructure improvements. Reeves said no.

Foster and Waller both said they would consider Pence-like Medicaid reform to improve healthcare for poor working Mississippians. Reeves said no.

Foster and Waller both said increasing teacher pay would be a priority to attract and retain quality teachers. Reeves said teacher pay increases would depend on state revenue growth.

BIPEC CEO backs Reeves’ workforce development plan


NORTHSIDE SUN – Wyatt Emmerich: The new civil war: Mississippi against U.S. Government

The feds argue that if Mississippi would shut down its five big mental health facilities, it would have more than enough to fund the hundreds of small non-profits delivering community-based mental health services. Federal grants and Medicaid would increase funding.

Critics of the big-facility approach to mental health argue that Mississippi spends far more on mental health than comparable states for inferior treatment. One critic told me if Mississippi eliminated the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and made it an adjunct of the Department of Medicaid, both the taxpayers and the mentally ill would be better off.

The irony here is that most of the mentally ill are in prisons, not the large mental health facilities. If you close the mental hospitals without properly developing community-based programs, even more mentally ill will be in prisons or on the streets.

Sitting through the trial, it was hard to imagine just 154 years has passed since Mississippi fought the United States with guns and guts on the battlefield. Instead of blood, sweat and tears, it was a war of words with both sides using logic and evidence to make their case to U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves. The air conditioner worked flawlessly. This is progress.

WJTV – Attention Farmers: Miss. Ag. Commissioner announces assistance after foreign trade “disruptions”

State Rep. DeLano backs Clarke for State Treasurer

DAILY JOURNAL – Transportation commissioner candidates split over infrastructure funding implementation

Every Republican candidate for transportation commissioner in the northern district agrees the state’s deteriorating infrastructure is a critical problem that must be fixed, but each candidate has a different idea on how to actually fund the infrastructure repairs.

The election comes at a time when approximately 500 bridges in the state have been closed because of disrepair, including 65 county and locally owned bridges in Northeast Mississippi…

…The winner of the Republican primary will face Joe Grist, a former state lawmaker and the only Democratic candidate in the race. Grist has run a campaign centered on improving road conditions in the state and putting a halt to giving businesses tax exemptions from the state government to offset the costs to fund transportation efforts. The general election will take place on Nov. 5.

Gov. Bryant: Bonnet Carre Spillway stops flow


DAILY LEADER – Trio sound off on Senate race

Image result for Sally Doty Ms
Sally Doty, 52, state senator and attorney

I am convinced that Medicaid reform is necessary to keep community hospitals like ours on solid financial footing and free from any danger of closing. Thus, I support Medicaid reform, but only if certain requirements are met. First, work requirements for all able-bodied Medicaid recipients must be implemented. Second, recipients should have some “skin in the game” and pay a monthly premium or co-payment. Finally, there must be a sustainable way to finance the state portion of this coverage without a tax increase to Mississippians, and the Mississippi Cares Plan from the Mississippi Hospital Association makes that guarantee…

…I am open to a very modest increase in the gas tax because it is a true user fee. My requirement for voting for any increase would be to adjust the percentage of gas tax monies allocated to counties and cities to provide more revenue to them rather than MDOT.

Dem State Rep. Anderson jabs at Gov. Bryant’s comment on students in front of Emmett Till sign


WTVA – Analysis: Effort to aid families could be key in Mississippi

After a year of pilot programs, the leaders of an initiative to strengthen troubled Mississippi families say they are off to a promising start.

The Mississippi Families First Initiative is part of a nationwide movement to change the traditional system of child welfare, which reacts and intervenes after a child is harmed, into a system that tries to cut risks and prevent harm.

The initiative, led by state Supreme Court Justice Dawn Beam and First Lady Deborah Bryant, has set up programs in eight counties. Those programs are trying different approaches, with the idea that the initiative will evaluate what works before seeking to roll out the program statewide.

“A ground game for prevention is the key,” said Beam, after the program issued a report to the state Supreme Court last week. “For too many years, we’ve been reactionary. When we removed children, it oftentimes traumatizes them in a way that we have no idea.”

NEWSMS – USM Professor testifies before Congress on blue economy

Southern Miss Professor Dr. Monty Graham recently testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Science, Oceans, Fisheries, and Weather. During the meeting, Graham who serves as the Associate Vice President for Research, Coastal Operations at USM, testified on the topic of America’s waterfronts...

…U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), who serves as chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, invited Graham to testify at the hearing. U.S. Senators Gardner and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) presided over the hearing.

Other witnesses included Lynn Clark, Executive Director, HARP Authority, HARP Foundation; Mike Friis, Executive Committee Member, National Working Waterfront Network; and Eric Genrich, Mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

“Having Dr. Graham called before the U.S. Senate to testify on the subject of coastal resiliency is a testament that we are doing it right in Mississippi,” said Dr. Gordon Cannon, USM Vice President for Research.

WXXV – CTA receives grants for projects

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.