Today, the Reeves campaign released their second ad of the 2019 cycle. This long-form digital ad focuses on Tate Reeves’ conservative economic philosophy and record in Mississippi campaigns. It begins with Elee Reeves, describing their marriage and Tate’s motivation to run for office for the first time. Tate Reeves tells stories from his time as Lt. Governor and describes efforts to fix the state’s broken budgets. He lays out his economic vision for the state and his plans to produce more high-paying jobs.
“We’ve got to make sure that we’ve got a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of the jobs of the next 50 years, rather than the jobs of the last 50 years,” Reeves says in the video.
“We’re excited for the people of Mississippi to see the Reeves family in this new video,” said campaign spokesman Parker Briden. “30-second ads leave a lot to be desired and this format will allow us to share a deeper—more personal—message with the people Tate serves.”
This ad will be distributed in all markets across the state with significant buys on social networks and digital platforms.
Lt. Governor Tate Reeves Campaign for Governor Press Release