#MSSen: US Senate candidates debate ahead of runoff
DAILY JOURNAL – Hyde-Smith, Espy debate over public comments, health care
Mississippians watched on Tuesday night as U.S. Senate candidates Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democrat Mike Espy faced off in a televised debate in Jackson.
In both her opening and closing remarks, Hyde-Smith reminded viewers that President Donald Trump will be in both Tupelo and Biloxi on Monday night to support her campaign. Throughout the debate, which lasted about 53 minutes, she reaffirmed both her support for a wall along the southern border and her opposition to abortion…
…Espy countered by referencing the damage the viral video did to Mississippi’s reputation.
“I don’t know what’s in your heart, but we all know what came out of your mouth,” Espy responded. “Its’s given our state another black eye that we don’t need.”
WTVA – Senator apologizes during debate for ‘public hanging’ comment
CLARION LEDGER – Who is the Republican black PAC supporting Cindy Hyde-Smith after ‘hanging’ comment?
A political action committee geared toward recruiting black voters for conservative causes is doubling down on its support for U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who has come under fire for comments made on the campaign trail.
Recent campaign finance filings show Black Americans for the President’s Agenda spent more than $18,000 on radio ads endorsing Hyde-Smith…
…A review of donor data from OpenSecrets shows the majority of contributions to the PAC are less than $1,000.
As of Tuesday, outside spending in Mississippi’s closely watched Senate special election had topped $3 million.
SUNHERALD – Democrats rally in Biloxi church in support of Mike Espy for Senate
WJTV – Debate critical for candidates say experts
MSGOP Chairman statement following #MSSen debate
Mississippi Republican Party (MSGOP) Chairman Lucien Smith released the following statement on tonight’s U.S. Senate debate between Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith and Secretary Mike Espy:
“Tonight we saw a clear contrast between the two candidates,” said Chairman Lucien Smith. “Cindy Hyde-Smith spent the night highlighting her conservative record working alongside the president in support of a pro-growth agenda. Her opponent underlined his liberal policy preferences, opposing border security and lower taxes while reiterating his support for Obamacare.
“As was shown tonight, Mike Espy will be another vote for Chuck Schumer’s efforts to obstruct the president and roll back conservative policy successes. Cindy Hyde-Smith is a candidate of integrity who will continue working to advance good policy in the U.S. Senate by supporting our military, protecting the sanctity of life, defending our Second Amendment rights and helping grow our economy through lower taxes and less intrusive regulation. Tonight’s debate confirmed that Cindy Hyde-Smith is the clear choice on November 27th.”
WJTV – Hyde-Smith declines to speak with press after the debate
WDAM – Walmart among companies requesting refund of campaign donations to Hyde-Smith
On Nov. 20, retail giant Walmart received backlash for its contributions to her campaign when a finance filing revealed the company gave $2, 000 to her campaign, according to a CNBC report. Actress Debra Messing, most notably known for her role in “Will and Grace”, tweeted, “After lynching comments, Walmart donates to Cindy Hyde-Smith,” causing Walmart to respond in a tweet.
WLOX – US Judge: Mississippi 15-week abortion ban unconstitutional
A federal judge has struck down a Mississippi abortion law that is one of the most restrictive in the United States.
The Mississippi law bans most abortions after 15 weeks.
U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves ruled Tuesday that it “unequivocally” violates women’s constitutional rights.
The only abortion clinic in Mississippi sued when Republican Gov. Phil Bryant signed the law March 19, and Reeves issued a temporary restraining order the next day to keep the state from enforcing the law.