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More Steve Bannon fallout in #mssen

More Steve Bannon fallout in #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 8, 2018

McConnell dances on Bannon’s grave

he Republican leader still has a slate of brutal GOP primaries looming in the first half of this year that could jeopardize his party’s hold on the Senate — even with Bannon out of the picture, assuming that his breakup with President Donald Trump and the wealthy Mercer family lasts.

Still, McConnell’s team believes — probably with good reason — that their job in 2018 is now significantly easier without Bannon to marshal insurgent forces against incumbent Republican senators and cost the party crucial Senate seats. That’s precisely what they blame him for doing in Alabama, where the party nominated Bannon-backed Roy Moore only to watch him blow a seemingly can’t-lose race.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.