Roundup of dead and alive bills in Legislature
HB 9 / HB 818 / HB1080 / SB2697Bills to create equal pay for equal work for women. Author: Rep. David Baria, D-Bay St. Louis, Author: Rep. Becky Currie, R-Brookhaven, Author: Rep. Sonya Williams-Barnes, D-Gulfport, Author: Sen. Sally Doty, R-Brookhaven
HB1325 / SB 2611 Abolish the Mississippi Arts Commission. Author: Rep. Becky Currie, R-Brookhaven; Sen. Lydia Chassaniol
Bills to abolish the Mississippi Arts Commission in the House and Senate died after lawmakers did not take them up in either appropriation committees. The proposals prompted an outcry from arts communities across the state in the last week.
HB179The Medical Marijuana Pilot Program Act. Author: Rep. Joel Bomgar, R-Madison
The bill would have allowed a pilot program for medical marijuana use in the state for those suffering with a debilitating illness.
HB180Legalize and regulate industrial hemp. Author: Rep. Joel Bomgar, R-Madison
The bill would have legalized the growing of hemp plants for industrial use.
Flag Bills
More than a dozen flag-related bills were filed between the House and the Senate this session. As has been the case in years in past, lawmakers have sponsored dueling proposals reflecting their varying stances in favor or opposition of the state’s at-times controversial banner, the last in the Union to still include the Confederate battle emblem.
HB1275 and 1276Change the state flag. Author: Rep. John Hines, D-Greenville
These bills would have established a commission to redesign the state flag and put the matter to a statewide referendum, respectively.
SB2057Require universities to fly the flag. Author: Sen. Joseph M. Seymour, R-Vancleave
The measure would require the state’s universities to fly the state flag, none of which currently do, or face a penalty for noncompliance. University heads refusing to fly the banner on their campus would have 25 percent of their monthly pay withheld until their institution was in compliance.
Clarion Ledger