RELEASE from Mississippi Democrat Party chair Rickey Cole:
To the Editor,
Throughout North Mississippi, working people are having to make tough choices every day. Some are getting ahead, many are just holding on, and way too many are falling behind. The average person is in a constant bind trying to make ends meet.
It is easy to blame our present situation on any leader or group we chose. But blaming somebody doesn’t fix the problems. In fact, the endless back and forth blame game politicians play is just a distraction that makes things worse.
On Tuesday, May 12, voters in North Mississippi have a chance to elect a Congressman who has a proven record of getting things done. Walter Zinn of Pontotoc is goal-oriented and results-driven. Walter knows how to work with people from all walks of life. He is a positive, hard-charging problem solver. Like most North Mississippians, he is a fair, even-handed person, but relentless when pushing forward for what’s right.
Walter Zinn is just as at home on your back patio as he is at the Capitol. All will be welcome and well-represented in Congressman Zinn’s office.
Matthew 20:16 says that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. On May 12, mark the last name on the ballot, Walter Zinn.
Rickey Cole
Mississippi Democratic Party