PENDER: Poll results and the end of the goat rodeo
The 2014 Mississippi U.S. Senate race will soon be over, one would assume, after Tuesday’s general election vote.
Good luck to the candidates, and to the state Democratic and two Republican parties. And to the outside interest groups that poured in millions of dollars – Y’all come back now, you hear. And to all those still involved in criminal investigations, lawsuits, Federal Election Commission complaints and such. Godspeed.
I am a little worried about cartoonist Marshall Ramsey. What’s he going to draw once it’s over? Long live the #mssen possum. And Frank and Alan over at Y’allpolitics, what could replace the “82-County Bigfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger Hunt and Jubilee McDaniel Hostage Crisis” daily report?
Hold your nose and vote early and often Tuesday.