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SouthMS Tea Partier Rhodes named in...

SouthMS Tea Partier Rhodes named in #PayToSay Chuck’s subpoena #MSSen #tcot

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 12, 2014

Conservative Journalist: I’ve Been Subpoenaed By A Mississippi Grand Jury

Conservative journalist Charles Johnson, as he has so often over the past month, used his Twitter account on Sunday to reveal the latest development in the allegations of vote-buying down in Mississippi.

Once again, the development involved himself. Johnson posted a photo showing a subpoena he’d received to appear before a grand jury. The tweet also appeared to defy explicit instructions that the subpoena should not be disclosed….

…It’s unclear why Rhodes, chairman of the South Mississippi Tea Party, was named in the subpoena.

In a subsequent tweet, Johnson said that he scrubbed the subpoena at the advice of his counsel.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.