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Head of Pro-Cochran PAC says everything...

Head of Pro-Cochran PAC says everything was done legally #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 10, 2014

Bishop Ronnie Crudup says his PAC did everything legal

“I raised money for our PAC; that’s what PACs do,” Crudup said today in a phone interview. “And there is no doubt as part of that I raised some money from the Republicans, I raised money from African Americans. I raised money from a number of sources.”

“Everything we did was legal and none of it was unethical,” said Crudup, senior pastor of New Horizon Church International in Jackson.

Crudup said a lot of people are reacting because it was new on the African-American side, but most people know he has been politically active. He said he determined that political action commit was kind of the next evolution not only for the Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel race, but for races in the future.

“I said if I was going to be involved in politics I needed to control my own destiny and support candidates that I felt would be good for our community. So I created this PAC, Crudup said.”

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.