Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill Moving Hurricane Season to Winter
With the Mississippi Legislative session slated to end soon, the House and the Senate passed a bill Tuesday moving hurricane season to the winter. Mississippi’s hurricane season will now run from November 1 through March 31.
Proponents of the bill claim that moving hurricane season out of the summer will benefit Mississippi’s tourism industry.
The sponsor of the bill was Rep. T. Frank Buck (R)- North Derby. “It just came to me one night sitting at the bar at Tico’s”, stated Derby. “I thought, hey, we’re moving squirrel season, why not move hurricane season too, so we aren’t competing with hurricane season in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. It’s stupid having hurricane season in the summer when the beaches are packed.”
State Senator Chris McDaniel stated that he supported the bill. “Our hurricane season is old and decrepit. We need a younger hurricane season without a bunch of earmarks,” McDaniel stated from the wheel of his campaign Winnebago parked outside the capital.
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