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YP FLASH: Chris McDaniel campaign...

YP FLASH: Chris McDaniel campaign substantially revises downward 4th quarter FEC filing

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 26, 2014

The Chris McDaniel campaign for US Senate in Mississippi substantially revised downward their 2013 4th Quarter Campaign Finance Report resulting in a nearly 20 percent decrease in their cash-on-hand originally reported.

In the campaign’s original cover letter they stated, “We began to notice a discrepancy between our financial software and the numbers provided to us by Trailblazer, our database vendor…but have been unable to achieve a balanced report. Upon viewing the report, you will clearly see there are duplicate contributions. Although the balances and deposits are correct, we are aware of the reported duplicate contributions and will have an amended report submitted to you as soon as possible. We are submitting this report knowing that it contains duplicates, but we are attaching this cover letter to explain the situation.”

Apparently, the balances and deposits were not correct.

McDaniel’s revised report shows the campaign collected less, spent more, and had a lower cash-on-hand than originally reported.

Here are the numbers:

Total Contributions:

$461,279 (reported)
$387,702 (amended)
-$73,577 (difference)
15.9% decline

Total Expenses

$170,399.02 (reported)
$172,412.37 (amended)
+$2,013.35 (difference)
1.2% increase

Cash On Hand

$390,794.11 (reported)
$315,389.63 (amended)
– $75,404.48 (difference)
19.3% decline

With the McDaniel campaign not having TV ads running inside of 90 days till Election Day, this new filing may well indicate the reason. With amendments and available cash-on-hand numbers nearly 20 percent off the actual amount, the McDaniel campaign can only hope their internal poll numbers are more accurate than their finance reports.

Chris McDaniels' revised Q4 2013 FEC disclosure

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.