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“As God As My Witness, Help Is On...

“As God As My Witness, Help Is On the Way”, says Bryant – Trooper School Battle Rages With Blue Out

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 26, 2014

“As God As My Witness, Help Is On the Way”, Trooper School Battle Rages With Blue Out

“As God as my witness, help is on the way,” said Bryant. “We know we’re 150 troopers short. We know 150 can retire at any time. We simply ask that we send more fine Mississippians who want to serve and protect through trooper school.” That trooper school is something some in the Mississippi legislature, especially in the Senate, are not sure the state can afford with next year’s budget. State Sen. Brice Wiggins (R-Pascagoula), said he’s all for law enforcement and public safety, but says the Senate’s version of the budget did not have a trooper school because of pay raise requests from teachers and sheriffs, a billion-dollar Medicaid request, and the rising cost of incarceration. “It comes down to priorities,” he told News Mississippi’s Kipp Gregory. “It’s a budget issue. I will tell you this, if it is an issue between (Dept. of Public Safety Commissioner Albert) Santa Cruz and (Lt. Gov. Tate) Reeves, then it’s an issue with the whole Senate leadership.”


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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