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MCCULLOUGH: Salter article on Cochran...

MCCULLOUGH: Salter article on Cochran earmarks masks agenda, avoids honest discussion

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 13, 2013

MCCULLOUGH: Salter article on Cochran earmarks masks agenda, avoids honest discussion.

I was reading in many Mississippi news publications a recent column by Sid Salter about his unbridled passion for Senator Thad Cochran’s ability to send to Mississippi millions of dollars in federal funding.

First, it struck me as deceptive that these publications would list Sid Salter as nothing more than a “syndicated columnist”, as if he is an unbiased bystander and reporter of the facts of federal earmarks and Senator Cochran.

What many readers may not know, and was not readily apparent in the published article, is that Salter works as an employee of Mississippi State University. MSU is the recipient of millions of the federal dollars that Mr. Salter would like to see continue to pour in to Mississippi. Furthermore, the MSU President is Mark Keenum, a former Chief of Staff to none other than Senator Thad Cochran.

It is obvious that Mr. Salter’s goal is to define Cochran’s primary opponent Senator Chris McDaniel as reckless. I find Senator McDaniel to be focused on the root of Mississippi and our country’s problems. What is reckless is Mr. Salter’s attempts to mask his own agenda and to divert the public conversation.

There is a second issue regarding Mr. Salter’s love of Mississippi’s dependence on federal funds that I have not heard discussed often enough, except by one person. That person is also Senator Chris McDaniel.

Mississippi Pep
Jim McCullough is a conservative political activist and commentator from Summit Mississippi.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.