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BOBBY HARRISON: Earlier MAEP funding...

BOBBY HARRISON: Earlier MAEP funding promises haven’t been kept

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 6, 2013

BOBBY HARRISON: Earlier MAEP funding promises haven’t been kept

In 2006, a number of Republican legislators crammed into then-Gov. Haley Barbour’s state Capitol office for the signing of a bill to fully fund the Mississippi Adequate Education Program.

The only Democrat in the group was then-House Committee Chair Cecil Brown of Jackson.

Brown waited with the group for the governor for a brief while, looking uncomfortable, then announced he had another meeting and excused himself. All of the Republicans in the room begged him to stay, but he said he couldn’t.

Brown, who works out daily, was at the time walking with the use of a cane, pending a back surgery that he would have at the end of the session. Knowing Brown’s discomfort, he cast a sad shadow as he limped from the office.

Daily Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.