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BOBBY HARRISON: Mississippi’s...

BOBBY HARRISON: Mississippi’s spinning its wheels on health care

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 14, 2013

BOBBY HARRISON: Mississippi’s spinning its wheels on health care

The person you paid when you put gas in your car at 10:30 p.m. Saturday on the way home from the movie probably did not have health insurance – the same for the waiter who served you before the movie.

The woman who took care of your child while you were at work also is most likely lacking health insurance, according to statistics.

Ditto for the clerk at the store where you bought groceries and the person you hired to clean up your yard after a long winter’s rainy season or the person you found to do the home repairs your wife has been bugging you about for the last couple of years.

According to statistics compiled by the Mississippi Center for Health Policy, there are more than 14,000 cashiers, more than 8,700 cooks, more than 10,000 construction workers and so on working with no health insurance.

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.