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Plan B Creates Rift Among Conservative...

Plan B Creates Rift Among Conservative Groups

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 20, 2012

Plan B Creates Rift Among Conservative Groups

House Speaker John Boehner’s acquiescence on tax rates appears to have caused a rift in the conservative wing of the Republican Party.

Hours after anti-tax activist Grover Norquist released a statement that his group, Americans for Tax Reform approved of Boehner’s “Plan B” to let tax rates expire only on millionaires, more than 20 conservative organizations joined together to urge members of Congress to vote ‘no’ on the bill when it comes to the floor Thursday.

“This tax increase bill is just like the tax increase proposal Nancy Pelosi offered last year on May 23rd,” reads a letter from the groups to members of Congress. What’s more, their request seems to come with the threat of a primary challenge if members do not comply.

National Journal

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