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Barbour Creates Oil-Spill Recovery...

Barbour Creates Oil-Spill Recovery Panel

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 17, 2010

Barbour Creates Oil-Spill Recovery Panel

JACKSON, Miss. – Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour says he’s creating a 34-member group to examine the impact of the BP oil spill and help devise a recovery and development plan for the state’s coastal region.

Barbour announced the Mississippi Gulf of Mexico Commission on Monday and said it will be co-chaired by two state agency directors — Bill Walker at the Department of Marine Resources and Trudy Fisher at the Department of Environmental Quality. Other members are scientists, business people and elected officials.

Barbour says the group will develop a plan to submit to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, a former Mississippi governor appointed by President Barack Obama to lead the long-term Gulf restoration.

Fox Memphis
Aug. 16

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