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Panel: Schools’ spending out of...

Panel: Schools’ spending out of control

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 18, 2010

Panel: Schools’ spending out of control

But then you look around at the pressure to win, particularly in the SEC, and it’s no wonder that six of the 12 coaches in the league are making nearly $3 million or more per year. I honestly don’t see coaching salaries going down. The market will determine what coaches make. And if you win national championships and compete for national championships on a regular basis, you’re going to get paid.

See Nick Saban and Urban Meyer.

Here’s the other thing: When more than 90,000 people are showing up for Alabama’s spring football game, that’s a pretty good indicator that winning supersedes any concerns that might exist about exorbitant spending.

As for the Knight Commission’s recommendation to shorten the football season and not extend the season into the January semester, I think there’s merit to that. At least, among those people not counting the money.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.