YP – Associated Press adds “Great Recession” to their stylebook
A new entry has been added to the AP Stylebook Online. As an online subscriber, you can receive these updates whenever the Associated Press makes them.
Editor’s Note: An entry on Great Recession has been added.
Great Recession
The recession that began in December 2007 and became the longest and deepest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It occurred after losses on subprime mortgages battered the U.S. housing market.
From the Tampa Bay Biz Journal:
‘Great Recession’ Now In Style
For those in our audience who are journalists or have dabbled, studied or entertained thoughts about learning the craft, you are aware of AP style. If not, the AP stands for the respected and venerable Associated Press, and the style, is well, style, but not in the fashion sense.
AP style is a roadmap of sorts for the news organizations that need a common language of display — a way to make sure that addresses and proper nouns appear in a consistent way in our publications, what to do with references to things like the Olympics (capitalize on first reference, always), whether to use a hyphen in the phrase “whole-wheat” (you do) and now, for the first time, what to call this down economy.
Now, there’s an AP Stylebook online and users can pay a nominal fee to access it and receive updates as popular culture demands.
Today, APstylebook.com sent notice that a new entry has been added on “Great Recession.”
I’ve been hearing the term a lot in the last few months. President Obama used it.
But it’s now official — that’s what the dang thing is called.