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YP – MS Digital Daily goes live

YP – MS Digital Daily goes live

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 20, 2010

This week, Mississippi Digital Daily went live. It is a general interest online newspaper that is ad supported covering Mississippi. It’s being run by Lelani Salter and though it is just getting fully propogated with content seems to be a good publication.

I waited a couple of days to see how they would treat news. I was very pleasantly surprised that they published the entirety of Haley Barbour’s State of the State address. That may not sound like a big deal, but other news publications (online or print) just don’t do that here. I hope it’s a harbinger for how they will treat news to come. Hopefully, they’ll cover the Legislature in that way. YP readers will likely see MDD headlines a lot if they do that sort of first source reporting.

Go check it out at

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.