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Federalist Society Meeting featuring...

Federalist Society Meeting featuring Tate Reeves on 11/3

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 14, 2009

The Federalist Society of Mississippi Presents a Luncheon Address Entitled

The Dollars and Cents of Federalism

Can States Survive Federal Budget Growth and Mandates?


The Honorable Tate Reeves
Mississippi State Treasurer, 2004-Present
Executive Board, College Savings Plans Network, 2009
President, Mississippi Republican Elected Officials Association
President, National Association of State Treasurers, 2006-2007


Dr. Charles P. Blahous III
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute – Senior Advisor, Palisades Capital – Senior Advisor, Price Waterhouse Coopers / 2009-Present
Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, White House, 2007-2009
Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, 2001-2007
Executive Director, President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security, 2001-2002
Policy Director, Office of Senator Judd Gregg, 1996-2000
Legislative Director, Assistant Republican Leader Senator Alan Simpson, 1994-1996

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
12:00 P.M. – 1:15 P.M.
The Capital Club – Capital Towers
125 South Congress Street, 19th Floor Jackson, Mississippi
$20.00 per lunch
To RSVP, contact Gina Barnes at 601-965- 8137.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.