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Remembering McNair for Way He Played

Remembering McNair for Way He Played

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 6, 2009

Remembering McNair for Way He Played

Never in a million years would most Tennessee Titans fans, or N.F.L. fans, have guessed that Steve McNair’s life would end violently, under compromising circumstances.
As a quarterback, McNair was a quintessential N.F.L. hero. The lasting football image of McNair is his marching his team the length of the field for a winning score, his thumb injured, sternum bruised and ribs cracked. But now McNair, who was 36, has died in what the police say was a homicide, alongside a woman who was also shot to death in his rented condominium in Nashville.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.