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WLBT video at Jackson Tea Party

WLBT video at Jackson Tea Party

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 16, 2009

WLBT video at Jackson Tea Party

And this was also a day for many Mississippians to say enough is enough to Washington D.C.

Hundreds of Mississippians took part in the tax day tea party to protest high taxes, too much federal spending and government waste.

This rally on the steps of the state capitol was one of seven like it across the state. Protestors waved flags and signs and cheered speakers.

Federal and state officials say their message will be heard loud and clear in Washington.

“You can not spend too much and borrow too much and tax too much and then pass a budget that will double the national debt in five years,” said Congressman Greg Harper, (R) Mississippi.

“The real challenge now is to go forward, go from the fifteenth on and to make this inertia, this movement this energy for forward for at least another two, three, four years and to take back this country,” said Senator Chris McDaniel, (R) Ellisville.

The rally was mostly a grass roots effort using social networking sites on the internet to let Mississippians know what was taking place.

WLBT 4/16/9

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Magnolia Tribune

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