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YP – Bubba flexes political...

YP – Bubba flexes political muscle – JT & Dave ‘scamera’ bill HB 1568 gets vetoproof vote in House

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 12, 2009

House Bill 1568 which would put an immediate freeze on the installation of new traffic cameras in municipalities throughout the state passed overwhelmingly in the House. That bill moves to the Governor for his signature.

This has been a pet cause for the JT & Dave program on Supertalk. Their listeners have spent hours of on-air time discussing the topic and encouraging calls to legislators who appear to have responded to the pressure.

On Fox40 News, the American Traffic Solutions representative was contacted and had a quote that of all things cited the constitutional problem of the state legislature interfering with municipal contracts.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.