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Senate Housing Committee on 12/8

Senate Housing Committee on 12/8

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 2, 2008

The Senate Housing Committee will hold a hearing on Monday, December 8, 2008 at 6 p.m. in the Newton High School Auditorium, 201 W. 1st Street.

District 31 Senator Terry Burton a member of the Housing Committee, who represents the area, encouraged residents to attend and discuss with the senate what their housing concerns are.

“We’re trying to educate the senators on the housing needs in Mississippi and in East Central Mississippi in particular,” Burton said.

Burton said information gained during the hearing could help the senate to shape legislation in the 2009 session, which begins in January.

Housing Committee Chairman Senator Hillman Frazier said holding the hearing in Newton will allow the senate to hear from a larger audience of citizens.

Contact Senator Terry Burton at 601-359-3221

Senate Press Release

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.