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Alabama is not Texas Tech, in style or...

Alabama is not Texas Tech, in style or substance

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 23, 2008

Alabama is not Texas Tech, in style or substance

Sooner or later, a team that squeezes every last drop out of its talent can get squeezed.
Before it’s all said and done, a team that plays over its head can get its head handed to it.
It takes only 60 minutes after the sun goes down for a dream season to turn into a football team’s worst nightmare.

Witness Oklahoma’s rout of Texas Tech.
Witnesses are usually required after that kind of brutal assault.
“We’re having a blast,” Texas Tech offensive line coach Matt Moore said last week of the undefeated and second-ranked Red Raiders during an off week to prepare for Oklahoma.
Welcome to the big time.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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November 23, 2008


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