Secretary of State Looks to Separate Business Disputes in Courts
45,000 cases were filed in Mississippi’s circuit court system last year. Criminal cases obviously take precedence. That means some cases are pushed back month after month and take years to reach a decision.
Now the Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann hopes to create a new court for Mississippi businesses and alleviate some of the pressure.
Just like with family court, drug court, and the state appellate courts, the Secretary of State wants to create a separate court just for business disputes. Cases like contract disputes, shareholder disagreements or copyright infringement that usually would be pushed back could be settle in an economic and timely manner.
“The decisions hopefully would be rendered in one year so business can use their money more wisely,” said Hosemann.
In other words, businesses are tied up waiting on a ruling that could affect the bottom line, making money.
“This is just another arrow in the quiver for Mississippi to have in economic development,” said Blake Wilson, executive director of the Mississippi Economic Council.