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Saban is Bearish on ‘Bama’s future

Saban is Bearish on ‘Bama’s future

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 17, 2008

Saban is Bearish on ‘Bama’s future

We probably won’t see Nick Saban donning a hound’s tooth hat any time soon, but there is definitely some Bear Bryant in this guy.
Like the Bear, his most celebrated predecessor as head football coach at the University of Alabama, Saban isn’t shy about getting what he wants. And he knows that what happens off the field can sometimes be as important to a team’s success as the action between the lines.
Under Bryant, Alabama became one of those iconic programs — like Southern Cal and Ohio State today — that were always a contender for a national championship. Over the past decade, however, the Crimson Tide has ebbed. Saban, who won a national championship at LSU, would like to tap into the old tradition.

Part of that, he knows, is to fire up not only the players, but the alumni and fans. You say you’re 70 years old and can’t block and tackle any more? Then dig a little deeper into your bank account and make a contribution that way. You want to play for the Crimson Tide? Then try to graduate early from high school so you can participate in spring practice.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.