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Bodyguard Fla. trip wasteful,...

Bodyguard Fla. trip wasteful, unnecessary

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 21, 2008

The Clarion-Ledger, 4/20/8

At $12,326, it would be a stretch to call Mayor Frank Melton’s travel budget exorbitant. For a mayor of a mid-sized city, it’s not a lot of money. Peanuts, really.

It’s good business for a mayor to travel from time to time as long as his city is realizing a return on investment. If Melton is doing his job properly, that $12,000 could easily turn into $12 million if he’s able to reach investors willing to spend money in Jackson.

If any persons would quibble with the amount of the mayor’s travel budget, then they surely don’t know how business deals get done. Sometimes a telephone call won’t do. Sometimes a person in Melton’s position has to reach out to developers with the wherewithal and the interest in investing in Mississippi’s capital city.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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