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Abortion bill evolves into internal...

Abortion bill evolves into internal struggle for Miss. House

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 14, 2008

Abortion bill evolves into internal struggle for Miss. House

McCoy, a populist Democrat from Rienzi, appoints House committee chairmen. He has voted for several abortion restrictions in the past. But if he sticks with his chairman on this bill, as expected, the Republicans want to pressure rural Democrats to break away from the speaker on the emotional issue.

Under either scenario, McCoy’s power in the House could be shaken.

And if the speaker is weakened, Republican Gov. Haley Barbour would further strengthen his own hand in a Capitol where he already exerts considerable influence over the Senate.

At stake is a bill that would put several new restrictions on abortion in a state that already has some of the nation’s toughest laws regulating the procedure.

The 2008 legislative session is scheduled to end next Saturday and conservatives are trying to win final approval for a bill that says, among other things, a person could be sued for helping an underage girl get an abortion in Mississippi without parental or guardian consent.

The bill will die if it’s not brought up again before the session ends.

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

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