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Robert Smith is DA . . . Now What?

Robert Smith is DA . . . Now What?

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 29, 2007

OK Folks, let me tell you how this is about to go down.

By the middle of next week, the JFP crowd will have talked themselves out of committing collective Harry Carey over their loss of Faye Peterson as DA. They will immediately go on the attack.

First of all, they will say that they will be behind Robert Smith IF he is “pro-Hinds County”. They will quickly assert themselves as the arbiter that he is not and will go on to attack him personally and unmercifully. Adam Lynch will be poking around to find out everything he can about his family situation, and they will publish it “in the interest of journalism”. They will be gleeful about printing things about his child, his family, his former clients (which he had a legal obligation to represent with zeal) and supporters. All sorts of unfounded innuendo will begin to lobbed by them. They will curse the local media and the “edit-boys” that they won’t cover “their scoops”.

They may even revamp a “Truthwatch” or two and take their “StateDesk” blog (designed exclusively to compete with this site) off of life support.

Robert Smith, by winning, has really messed with their program by beating their gal, and it will now be open season on him – just watch. At the end of the day, their efforts will only result in sound and fury . . . signifying nothing.

I just thought you folks would like the heads up.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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