NewsMS: Election Challenge Takes to Court, Judge Wants Trial Over Before General Election
During Wednesday’s hearing, McGehee noted that this was the first time a statewide election has ever been contested in court.
McDaniel’s attorney, Mitch Tyner asked the judge to order the state’s 82 country circuit clerks to preserve election materials. The judge said he would not be able to set an injunction, but would notify the circuit clerks to preserve election material from the June 3 and 24 elections.
Tyner also asked for an injunction on the Secretary of State’s office, to prevent them from printing general election ballots until the case is heard. The judge says he could not issue an injunction for that because on the Secretary of State’s office was not present in the lawsuit.
McGehee said that he will file a scheduling of the trail by the end of the week and he is considering September 15or 22 as the start of the trial. His goal is to complete the case before the general election.
The next court hearing will be August 28 9:30 a.m.