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Letter to Clarion-Ledger – Liberal paper smears Pickering on State car use

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 7, 2010

Letter to Clarion-Ledger – Liberal paper smears Pickering on State car use

Pickering is a fine Christian man and a strong conservative – the kind of candidate liberals hate and will do anything to destroy.

Pickering has recovered more money for the state than many of his predecessors and stepped on quite a few toes in protecting the taxpayers.

It is clear Pickering will be a strong candidate for lieutenant governor. He must be doing something right if the liberal Clarion-Ledger is smearing him, for as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee once said, “if you’re not catching flack, you must not be over the target.”

It is a shame the state newspaper is trying to bring down a fine Christian man who is clearly dedicated to serving the state and his family.

While many other politicians hang out at social venues/events and make public spectacles of themselves, Pickering is rushing back home to be a husband and father to his family. It is an unfortunate sign of how warped the liberal media has become when such virtues are questioned.

Hang in there, Mr. Pickering. You must be doing something right if you made the front page of The Clarion-Ledger. They wouldn’t pick on you if they weren’t worried about you becoming lieutenant governor.

Jeff Perkins


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.